Our Schools USA Releases Statement on CA AG Bonta Investigation

A group of Chino Valley parents who have been battling for the LGBTQ+ students in the district issued a statement regarding the AG’s announcement:

“We hope the civil rights investigation launched today by Attorney General Rob Bonta serves as a sign to other districts that these invasive and discriminatory practices will not stand. This was never about parental rights. If it was, the CVUSD Board would not have actively inserted its employees into the private affairs and parenting practices of CVUSD parents.,” said Kristi Hirst, a spokesperson and COO for Our Schools USA.  

“All this policy has accomplished is making students afraid to return to school. It does not create an environment of trust, one that should exist between parents, students, teachers, and staff. It has merely been a major distraction from the larger issues facing the school district, which actually need immediate attention,” she added.

Read more here: https://www.losangelesblade.com/2023/08/04/bonta-launches-civil-rights-investigation-into-chino-valley-unified/


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