Bill of Rights for All Parents & Students

Read the Bill of Rights for All Parents & Students

Read more about the Bill of Rights that commits to the values of Safety, Access, Freedom and Education here.

Download the PDF: English / Spanish (Coming Soon)

The Candidate & Elected Official Pledge

Hold candidates and school board members accountable. Get elected officials at all levels on the record that they want to protect choices for all families in public education.

Download a PDF of the pledge here.

Access our online pledge form here.

Download the Bill of Rights for All Parents & Students

Download the Bill of Rights graphics: English / Spanish (Coming Soon)

What Parents & Families Actually Want from Public Schools

See our findings from our work with parents and families across the country.

Download the PDF: English / Spanish (Coming Soon)

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Share our carousels on the Bill of Rights for All Parents & Students.

Safety: Share on Instagram

Access: Share on Instagram

Freedom: Share on Instagram

Education: Share on Instagram

Press Release on Launch of Bill of Rights

Read our press release on the Bill of Rights here.